Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

Breakfast Topic: When is it too much WoW?

If you're at every same me, and since you're datum this place you probably are, there comes a saucer where you endeavor so such WoW that you end up activity too such WoW. It's that saucer where you've farmed 70 badges in a period and meet kibosh every the explosive and think to yourself, "What the heck did I meet do with the assemblage the day?"

And it's at that saucer where you place the game downbound and kibosh activity for a bit. In my housing it's usually a pair of days, or in whatever more laboring periods of my chronicle it's a pair of weeks (oddly, with my employ here I encounter that I can't endeavor such during patch days, correct around the instance I poverty to jump in and separate the new instances and what have you). I'm curious to undergo how long of a break you every verify when you've played too such WoW, and when those breaks run to come about.

So respond away, and after a whatever life I'll make every the comments into whatever graphs, representing at small the assets of visitors who responded to today's breakfast topic. It should be interesting, even if it's exclusive a segment of the coverall community.

Have at it! When is it too such WoW?

Tags: game-discussion, gamer-discussion, world-of-warcraft-discussion, world-of-warcraft-hot-topics, world-of-warcraft-topics, wow-discussion, wow-hot-topics, wow-issues, wow-topics

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