Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

The Twelve Days of Winter Veil: Day two loot code giveaway

WoW.com's Twelve Days of Winter Veil contests keeps on rolling. If you didn't get a Path of Cenarius cipher yet, here's your terminal chance. Today we are giving absent the terminal 5 Path of Cenarius codes manner of WoWTCGLoot.com. Yes, you, too crapper hit flowers study in your wake. What self-respecting PuGger would not poverty that for the New Year?

To start for a quantity to win, leave a comment in this place by Saturday, Jan 2, 2010, 12pm ET (noon). Limit one entry per mortal and attain trusty you're qualified with a legal email address. We'll be choosing fivesome winners arbitrarily from the entrants and occurrence them via email after the close of the contest.

Don't forget to analyse backwards tomorrow for newborn contests celebrating the Twelve Days of Winter Veil!

Tags: 12-days-of-winter-veil, path-of-cenarius, wow-tcg

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