Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

The Twelve Days of Winter Veil: Day one loot code giveaway's test period of Twelve Days of Winter Veil contests keeps on rolling. For the terminal loot cipher contest, we're gift away 1 Foam Sword Rack cipher courtesy of A demolition of sparkle swords crapper be summoned. From there, some contestant crapper click on the demolition to temporarily gain a sparkle brand that crapper be used to combat another players or meet bonk them on the head. If a contestant loses a duel, their sparkle brand module explode into confetti.

To enter for a quantity to win, yield a interpret in this place by Sunday, Jan 3, 2010, 11:59pm ET. Limit digit entry per mortal and attain sure you're qualified with a legal email address. We'll be choosing digit succeeder randomly from the entrants and occurrence them via email after the near of the contest.

Tags: 12-days-of-winter-veil, foam-sword-rack, wow-tcg

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