Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

The best of WoW.com: May 2009

May saw a Brobdingnagian influx of players to Ulduar, the modify of the revamped Noblegarden holiday, Children's Week, a paladin blogger named Ferarro, BlizzCon ticket queues (which, connector crowded to the scuppers, were nowhere near the nightmare they'd been in 2008), and the start of news concerning connector 3.2 and newborn druid forms (!).

Disappointment with the connector 3.1 mettlesome world
: A aggregation of our staffers spinous to Alex's article as a beatific pinpoint on why connector 3.1 didn't see like it was rattling moving the treatment forward.

Children's Week ruins battlegrounds: I hated School of Hard Knocks because I thought it was a poorly-designed achievement spurring irresponsible play. Zach hated it because it's also secure to ruin battlegrounds for the size of the holiday.

Noblegarden: Sexy or Sexist?: Women are still vastly outnumbered by men in the MMO market, and Robin wonders whether this achievement feat springy was the correct call.

Raid Rx: 10 clutch sanative or tanking abilities: One of the most significant changes between Wrath and BC tanking has been the regular attendance of tank-gibbing mechanics that demand the use of a cooldown. Matt Low takes you through the clothing of options available to you and how apiece choice works.

WRUP: Live daylong and Ulduar edition
: Star Trek comes out. Editors index onto blank staffers' chat that weekend and type, "Where the inferno is everyone?"

The PvP trinket is mandatory: Sad but true. As Zach observes, if you're earnest most PvP, you requirement to intend that trinket first.

Solving the mathematical tangles of Arpen: Blizzard had absent springy with the actualised formula utilised to calculate the fit onset cap a few weeks early in an effort to straighten discover the theorycrafting mess of the stat. Here, we verify added look.

Failoc-alypse bursts onto the scene: Blizzard springs a newborn mettlesome on grouping inactivity in the online line for BlizzCon tickets. Small consolation to the grouping who check 20,000 tickets end in minutes, but funny consolation nonetheless.

WoW Moviewatch Special: 7 movies you should know
: A summary on 7 important machinima films that showcases the genre's unbelievably oblique styles.

15 Minutes of Fame: Boubouille proves an MMO Champion
: Almost everyone in the WoW accord online depends on the incredible turn of impact Boubouille puts into MMO Champion, but nobody rattling knew much most him until Lisa's interview.

Twitter Time: 10 text or less: nihilist display a contest to our mass on Twitter -- send him a WoW-related news in 10 text or less. I idolized the resulting collection, and in particular the entry submitted by The CorruptOne: "An undead priest heals the shivering child's soul. Death smiles."

Completion rates on Wrath heroics
: Flyv crunches some numbers and confirms what grouping had suspected for a connector -- most players hate Oculus.

The woes of block
: Block, since the removal of the prevention blow, has been a stat in see of relevance.

Should field rankings be observed by class?
: Is it possible to make field a bit fairer by, as GC says, "grading on a curve?"

New druid modify art in connector 3.2: New Tauren and Night Elf bear forms were debuted within 48 hours of apiece other, thanks to an unplanned leak of the latter that we jumped on. Allison cries.

2009's drawing to a close, and we're patch up the most engrossing articles we've publicised every year, digit period at a time. Join us every period for the incoming dozen life with this year's best of WoW.com!

Tags: 2009-wow.com-best-stories, 2009-Year-in-review, best-of-wow.com, featured, wow.com-year-in-review, year-in-review

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