Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

The Twelve Days of Winter Veil: Day nine loot code giveaway

WoW.com's Twelve Days of Winter Veil contests keeps on rolling. If you didn't get a Path of Cenarius cipher on Tuesday, dry those Christmastime tears. Today we are gift absent 5 more Path of Cenarius codes manner of WoWTCGLoot.com. Yes, you, too can hit flowers study in your wake. What self-respecting modification knight would not want that for Christmas?

To start for a chance to win, yield a interpret in this place by Saturday, Dec 26, 2009, 12pm ET (noon). Limit digit entry per person and attain trusty you're registered with a legal telecommunicate address. We'll be choosing fivesome winners randomly from the entrants and contact them via telecommunicate after the close of the contest.

Don't block to analyse back every day finished January 2nd for newborn contests celebrating the Twelve Days of Winter Veil!

Tags: 12-days-of-winter-veil, path-of-cenarius, wow-tcg

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