Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Breakfast Topic: Which Warcraft moment would make a great cutscene?

Earlier this month, an interview was conducted with Jeff Kaplan by Phil Kollar of Game Informer where they talked shop most World of Warcraft. One of the items that piqued my welfare was that a newborn cutscene was existence included in connector 3.3. I'm trusty we can guess that it has something to do with Icecrown Citadel (and Arthas).

I undergo the Wrathgate cinematic itself was a bounteous hit. Blizzard is trusty no intruder to creating movies. There's the Ulduar trailer, the disposition of the Crusade trailer, and the Fall of the Lich power trailer.

Remember the Sunwell Plateau? That digit is my selection discover of them all.

I'm trusty there will be newborn cinematics to come. But if you could garner a time in the game, what would you like to see in cinematic form?

Tags: cinematic, game-discussion, gamer-discussion, jeff-kaplan, opinion, trailer, world-of-warcraft-discussion, world-of-warcraft-hot-topics, world-of-warcraft-topics, wow-discussion, wow-hot-topics, wow-issues, wow-topics

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