In actuality, digit could venture that the modify evaluate was accumulated to conflict some of the outrageous prices that we're sight on the AH. 20,000 gold or more for a instrument that module be outdated in inferior than a year is a bit much.
- Quel'Delar in today unequalled equip.
- Naxxramas crapper today be unwooded in some visit for the Immortal and Undying achievements.
- The modify evaluate for the Battered Hilt has been increased.
- The Skeletal Slave in the Pit of Saron has had the knowledge to modify the Battered Hilt and another haphazard modify epics removed.
Previously past blistering fixes:
- Onyxia has effected down and is erst again killable and air in the comely areas during phase 2.
- Icetouched Earthragers casting Avalanche today deals pertinent damage.
- The hunt "Keeping the Enemy at Bay" is today completable.
- Totems are no individual targeted by concern personalty as intended.
- The Death Knight dresser piece, Scourgelord Chestguard, has been updated to emit pertinent tanking statistics.
- Emblem of Triumph quartermasters today allows players to clear digit Emblem of Triumph to purchase digit Emblem of Conquest.
- The bureau Usuri Brightcoin in Dalaran today allows players to clear digit Emblem of Frost to purchase digit Emblem of Triumph.
- Bosses no individual respawn in the new Frozen Halls 5 contestant dungeon after existence defeated.
- Scourgelord Tyrannus today heals to full when the connexion begins.
- The quantity for poem items to modify soured belittle mobs in the Icecrown Citadel assail dungeons has been reduced.
- The quantity for poem items to modify soured belittle mobs in the Frozen Halls 5 contestant dungeons has been reduced.
- Running up the ramp at the end of the 3rd connexion in Halls of Reflection module no individual disparity players. http://f orums.worldofwarcraft .com/thread.html?topi cId=21723843673&s id=1
- Trading soulbound items module no individual attain them materialize as lost. http://f orums.worldofwarcraft .com/thread.html?topi cId=21723842445&s id=1
- Improved Counterspell today triggers Burning Determination as intended.
- The disposition to Arms: Warsong Gulch regular hunt is today right offered to players of every levels.
- The hunt "No Mercy for the Merciless" crapper today be complete as intended.
- Onyxia module today move at a connatural pace when performing a Deep Breath.
- Onyxia has been cut soured from the illusion that uninterrupted her bombproof state.
- Players module no individual expire while zoning into Icecrown citadel as the Gunship circumstance resets.
- The Battered Hilt module exhibit it's pertinent faction-racial restrictions. <
- Hunters, Rogues, and Shaman module erst again be healthy to listing requirement on off-hand weapons when the requirement before avaritia pillaging grouping is active.
- Earthen Power today right removes plan effects.
- Hunger for Blood today increases a rogue's alteration by 10% down from 15%.
- The Ephemeral Snowflake trinket today has a very short cooldown to prevent it from restoring unsuitably super amounts of mana.
- The Shadow alteration from Scourge Strike module no individual be healthy to critically strike. The fleshly component module move to be healthy to critically strike.
- You are today healthy to remake Mind Flay after absent with the speech without receiving a "This speech is not ready yet" message.
- In Ulduar, the Salvaged Demolisher's Hurl Boulder knowledge module today right ignite tar.
- Vault of Archavon bosses are again healthy to be hit by Atlantic of gist abilities.
- Chains of Ice is no individual limited to a single target. In addition, when Chains of Ice is used on a plan insusceptible direct with Endless Winter talented, it module erst again apply Frost Fever.
- Druids module today be healthy to shapeshift discover of a spell-reflected Entangling Roots spell.
- The trinket Ephemeral Snowflake module today be triggered by every healing spells.
- The players' Gunship module today befittingly cut after achieving victory.
- Lord Marrowgar module today do significantly inferior melee alteration in both the 10 contestant connatural and 10 contestant courageous difficulty.
- Everlasting Affliction crapper today change the continuance of Corruption on a direct when the Warlock casts Shadow Bolt. This talent also refreshes the continuance of Corruption with Drain Life and Haunt.

Tags: battered-hilt, breaking, bug, bug-fixes, fix, hot, hot-fixes, hotfix, hotfixes, patch-3.3, patch-3.3-changes, patch-3.3-wow, quel-delar, world-of-warcraft-patch-3.3, wow-3.3-changes, wow-hot-fix, wow-hot-fixes, wow-hotfix, wow-new-patch, wow-patch, wow-patch-3.3, wow-patch-news
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