Senin, 28 Desember 2009

The best of September 2009

One of the things that jumps out at me patch reviewing Sept is that it was a strange month for Moviewatch. Apart from that players were occupied with the newborn version of Onyxia, the Argent Coliseum, ease discussing whatever questions upraised by BlizzCon, and arguing over whether Garrosh was a movement or what.

WoW Moviewatch: Warrior's Dream
: My oratory for the best Moviewatch of the year. A lovely film, well-made, beautifully scored, and it crammed a thoughtful story (and brainwave concerning the sometimes-uncomfortable appearance on ourselves granted by nightmares) into 5 minutes.

Faction modify assist today available
: A feature players had been wondering most effort for years suddenly went live. Did things go crazy? Maybe a little.

A critical communicating of Garrosh Hellscream
: Garrosh, as we'd previously observed, is not among the more well-received NPCs these days. Rossi asks -- how did this guy go from the pessimistic Orc we wager in Nagrand to the proud movement we find in Northrend?

Ask a Faction Leader: Garrosh Hellscream
: On the person of Garrosh, personally I found this AAFL to be among the funniest in the series. If that full Warchief bid doesn't impact out for him, Garrosh has a bright forthcoming as an interior designer.

Yogg-Saron in blues: A sterling rebuttal to the intent that epics attain the player.

Conclusions from the ingroup transfer survey
: We've heard (unofficially, of course) that our reverend polls tend to be a evenhandedly accurate gloss on numbers Blizzard sees internally, and we definite to ask readers if they'd utilised the newborn ingroup modify assist and (if so) what they'd done.

12 reasons ground you don't want to endeavor a priest
: Matt Low turns a critical receptor to his beloved collection and admits -- not every is rosy.

WoW Moviewatch: Ulduar: Defiance
: We'd rattling been impressed by the trailer, and Atraira delivered.

Drama Mamas: My GM is a succubus
: Fascinating Drama Mamas most a GM inadvertently destroying her own guild, but secure to enrage you if you're a someone contestant who hates her attention-ho counterparts.

Additional instances can today be launched
: One of the headaches plaguing Wrath has been overcrowded happening servers -- or, more accurately, Blizzard's efforts to ready them from being overcrowded by limiting the sort of grouping who can live them at digit time. By September, they'd completed a long, grueling impact upgrading the servers to turn the ratio of the dreaded "Additional instances cannot be launched" communication from appearing.

Why Blizzard should attain authenticators mandatory on accounts
: A strong discussion for more distributed ingest of authenticators, which would not exclusive revilement down on the pronounce old by Blizzard's client support, but would also gain benefits for players (in addition to the near-immunity to account hacking) in the modify of faster tickets. Waits for a Game Master these days sort in the days-to-weeks, and it's nearly entirely cod to the sort of compromised accounts.

WoW Moviewatch: How to intend at PvP
: Wowcrendor hits battlegrounds, Wintergrasp, and field with hilarious results.

Ready Check: Onyxia: Rossi, an old assistance at the example Onyxia, faces her later personification and returns to school readers on ground standing in face of her is exclusive for the quick or the dead.

WoW Moviewatch: Quest: Impossible
: One of the most polished and well-made 2009 Moviewatch features.

The Queue: Trinket-palooza 2009
: A aggregation of grouping had fun with this edition of the Queue, where we traded assail trinkets from the artist mettlesome that you strength ease intend whatever ingest from at 80.

The Colosseum: A base pass to the Arena judgement system
: The judgement grouping for field is a pain in the ass to navigate. archangel Gray walks you finished it.

2009's drawing to a close, and we're patch up the most engrossing articles we've publicised every year, digit period at a time. Join us every period for the incoming dozen days with this year's best of!

Tags:, 2009-Year-in-review, best-of-wow-com,, featured,, year-in-review

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