Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

Breakfast Topic: A Little Help From Our Friends

I don't care even remotely most achievements. Haven't since they came into the game, to be honest. When I heard that a contestant in island has actually finished them all, I conceive I blinked a some nowadays and was potty as to why anyone would. That being said, I actually hit quite a few. I don't intend them because I want them, I intend them because another grouping want them and they communicate me to become support them intend them. And that I savor doing quite a lot, actually. I same serving my guildies out, and I same doing things that I wouldn't do for my own intoxicant for others sake, as it costs me lowercase and feels same it balances the karmic scales ever so slightly.

It's not meet achievements: I'll tank a courageous that I hit no welfare in (I don't rattling requirement badges or loot from some of them at this point) or even a raid. In the instance some weeks I've institute myself tanking Naxx and Ulduar 10 to support grouping discover with achievements, or to equipment alts or comminute badges for a specific reason. Doesn't rattling concern what it is, so much as there's someone effort something they requirement discover of it. The prizewinning instance was effort a friend the Malygos hunt ended after months of having it rot in her logs. Part of the think I do this is because I undergo they'd do it for me, and have: when I needed country rating drops from Uld 10 and 25 grouping advisedly skipped achievements they needed to make trusty we got things finished faster for my sake.

So how most you? Asked your friends for support lately, or given it back?

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