Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Phat Loot Phriday: Unspeakable Secret

Mindor asked us to gratify do a roller body this week, so here's digit you crapper go find in the newborn Frozen Halls instances this weekend.

Name: Unspeakable Secret (Wowhead, Thottbot, Armory)
Type: Epic Staff
Damage/Speed: 281-519 / 2.80 (143.1 DPS)
  • +81 Stamina, +81 Intellect.

Gallery: Phat Loot Phriday

Avool's Sword of JinShroud of Chieftain Ner'zhulMarrowstrikeTitan-Forged Helm of TriumphDa BooterangCosmos

  • Improves crit judgement by 114, motion judgement by 93, and spell power by a nice 487. That's definitely not Trial of the Crusader levels, but for a normal 5-man drop, that's not too shabby.
  • Does look cool, though. And the study is meet something that sounds cool, though it does make me conceive of digit of the best sites on the Internet.
How to Get It: You've got to separate the newborn Icecrown Citadel 5-man instances, also known as the Frozen Halls. This digit is actually in the Pit of Saron, which is the ordinal instance that you'll do in visit (we've got a flooded attunement pass up already). But every of the instances are definitely worth doing, and with the Dungeon Finder in effect, you've got no excuses. Run through them this weekend, when you intend to Forgemaster Garfrost in PoS (yes, that is the abbreviation), hope this drops, win the listing against your other-realm PuGgies, and the body is every yours. Good luck!

Getting Rid of It: Sells back to vendors for 27g 43s 88c, and disenchants into an Abyss Crystal or two. And if you do go raiding, you module be exchange it rather rather than later.

Tags: boss, caster-staff, downed, dungeon-finder, epic-staff, fat-lewt, fat-loot, featured, forgemaster-garfrost, frozen-halls, loot, phat-loot, phat-loot-phriday, pit-of-saron, postsecret, pugs, trial-of-the-crusader, unspeakable-secret, world-of-warcraft-items, world-of-warcraft-loot, wow-item, wow-items, wow-loot

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