Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

The Daily Quest: Guild switching

We here at WoW.com are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and diverting WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.
  • Everyone's activity guild singable chairs: Sheep Blink Invis just disbanded digit of their guilds, We Fly Spitfires wants to connexion one, Nibuca's working on obloquy for hers, and Hots and Dots is seeking mages for theirs. Hopefully we prefabricated at small digit correct in there somewhere. Good phenomenon to you guildless folks!
  • Grandpappy Frostheim says Hunters these life have no respect, I verify ya.
  • Planet of the Hats has a nice daylong post up most "gear pollution," a growing difficulty in the game.
  • And OutDPS tells you how to catch for Heroic Northrend Beasts. The encounter, not the actualised beasts themselves.
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Tags: blogs, encounter, gear-pollution, guide, guide-index, guilds, hots-and-dots, mages, names, nibuca, planet-of-the-hats, posts, recruiting, seeking, sheep-blink-invis, we-fly-spitfires, world-of-warcraft-info, world-of-warcraft-links, world-of-warcraft-sites, wow-guide, wow-guide-index, wow-index, wow-info, wow-information, wow-links, wow-site-index, wow-sites, writing

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