Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Naxxramas Raid Deck and Treasure Packs now available

Following the success of their preceding assail sets, Onyxia's Lair, Molten Core, Magtheridon's Lair, and the Black Temple, Upper Deck has released the prototypal Wrath-themed circumstance arrange with the Naxxramas Raid Deck and Treasure Pack last Dec 22. Unlike their preceding assail offerings, however, the Naxxramas Treasure Packs are stand-alone products which can be utilised severally from the assail deck.

According to Dan Bojanowski, Upper Deck's World of Warcraft TCG Senior Brand Manager, the stand-alone move "was created as a direct termination of customer feedback." Aside from containing the standard content much as exclusive icon cards, the set would also allow "alternate prowess heroes featuring heroes from the Drums of War country in Naxxramas-themed equipment and settings."

The Raid Deck, which is acquirable for $29.99, contains a 110-card assail deck, 15 oversized boss cards, a 16-card Treasure Pack, and a UDE points bill (or Loot card) and rulebook. Treasure Packs retail for $9.99 apiece and include 15 random icon Treasure Pack game discover of a amount of thirty due cards, a hero in Naxxramas-themed armor, and a UDE points bill or Loot card. Hero game are worn from the Drums of War treatment set with variant art, with a amount of ten game with newborn prowess to collect. Each Treasure Pack also has a quantity to include a random Loot bill from the comic of Honor treatment set.

Tags: Black-Temple, BlizzPlanet, Dan-Bojanowski, Drums-of-War, Fields-of-Honor, Magtheridons-Lair, Molten-Core, Naxxramas, Naxxramas-Raid-Deck, Naxxramas-Treasure-Pack, Onyxias-Lair, Raid-Deck, Upper-Deck, Upper-Deck-Entertainment, Upper-Deck-WoW-TCG, World-of-Warcraft-TCG, World-of-Warcraft-Trading-Card-Game, WoW-TCG

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