Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

The best of October 2009

October, as with August, was mostly a aggregation of programme reporting. The connector 3.3 PTR dropped on Oct 1st and everyone went nuts for the terminal (we think) major noesis connector of Wrath of the Lich King. Next up? The noesis connector heralding the move of Cataclysm, but with a aggregation of gated noesis between ourselves and that, we've got a ways to go.

Ask a Faction Leader: Cairne Bloodhoof
: Among every the AAFL columns he's done so far, Sacco's individualized selection is Cairne.

Spiritual Guidance: Don't be that priest: Matt Low not-so-gently lectures his fellow priests on the failings to which the collection is prone patch not paying attention or incoming an connexion unprepared.

Searching for the most popular server
: Schramm takes a look at whatever data and wonders -- what's the busiest and/or most packed computer discover there?

Patch 3.3 PTR: New Tauren skins found
: So what are those things anyway? A newborn set of NPCs for Icecrown? A newborn barbershop option? Tribal markings for the Grimtotem?

Chill of the Throne: Dodge nerfed 20% in Icecrown Citadel
: The debuff is quickly termed "Icewell Radiance" by disgruntled tanks everywhere.

Patch 3.3 PTR: Forge of Souls first impressions
: Greg Reece grabs whatever staffers and character from The Elitists to stake deep into the scary wilds of newborn 5-mans on the PTR.

Holy crap, Blink has variety of been fixed
: I'm meet going to quote faith Belt on this one:
  • 2004: World of Warcraft is released. Mages, the azygos prizewinning collection in the game, hit a bunch of spells. One of them is Blink. It purports to teleport the roller 20 yards forward. It doesn't really work.
  • 2009: Blink still doesn't really work.
Patch 3.3 PTR: The ordain of Bolvar Fordragon: Troubling, but I'm afraid accurate, speculation by Daniel Whitcomb on what Blizzard's probable to do with our beatific buddy Bolvar.

Lich King aliveness found: And this meet lends support to that theory.

Patch 3.3 PTR: Jaina gets a makeover: The comments country on this article is queer as hell, but my individualized selection was Kylenne's: I know Jaina's basically a peacemaker and everything, but I didn't realize she'd been expiration the tube with Cairne. Girlfriend looks higher than a kite now. Then again, if Varian was my king I'd be toking too.

WoW Moviewatch: I'm on a mount
: We had to slather this digit in NSFW messages, but if you crapper deal with constant discourtesy (you've pugged VoA-25, right? Then you should be fine), you're in for a treat.

Patch 3.3 PTR: Dwarf, orc, and angling totem gallery
: Other shamanic races (including the upcoming Dwarven shaman) eventually intend customized totem graphics. Tauren wonder -- crapper we intend an update to ours?

Drama Mamas: Don't permit others curb your fun
: A wonderful Drama Mamas; what happens when "that guy" shows up in your guild (and he yet shows up in every guild)?

Race modify available
: Faction modify had been live for whatever time, and today Blizzard lets you switch between races for meliorate racials, meliorate looks, or meet for fun.

Cataclysm: For Gnomeregan!: Gnomes haw eventually intend their long-lost capital municipality backwards in the upcoming expansion, but the programme we saw is kinda modest on just how long they'll ready it.

The Art of War(craft): Absolute beginner's pass to the Battlegrounds
: Great pass by Zach for those lost in the battlegrounds, which at digit saucer or added has been every of us.

Shifting Perspectives: The leaving of the bear
: Most players hit detected a huge start in the sort of druid tanks between today and the end of BC, and we communicate -- why?

Blood Pact: The birth of a warlock
: Dominic's article inspired me to dust soured my possess long-forgotten channeler of darkness, and is specially user-friendly for newborn players doubtful of the content and news behind the different racial options.

15 Minutes of Fame: Quadriplegic player attacks advancement raiding
: Quadilious of Sisters of Elune-H is a C4-5 sib stomping Trial of the Grand Crusader and -- with a look at his current Armory -- today Icecrown-25 as well.

2009's art to a close, and we're wrapping up the most engrossing articles we've published every year, digit period at a time. Join us every period for the next dozen days with this year's prizewinning of!

Tags:, 2009-Year-in-review, best-of-wow-com,, featured,, year-in-review

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