Minggu, 27 Desember 2009

The Twelve Days of Winter Veil: Day seven loot card giveaway

Tuesday, we kicked off our Twelve Days of Winter Veil contests at WoW.com Every period until Jan 2, 2010 we will hit newborn prizes to provide absent along with newborn loot codes. Today, we are giving absent 1 Ogre Pinata cipher manner of WoWTCGLoot.com. As you crapper wager in the flick above, this in-game item call an ogre-shaped pinata. After it takes a destined turn of damage, it explodes, throwing candy onto the ground. Anyone crapper pick up the candy and when they chew it, crapper blow bubbles.

To enter for a chance to win, yield a interpret in this post by Monday, Dec 28, 2009, 12pm ET (noon). Limit digit entry per person and attain sure you're qualified with a valid telecommunicate address. We'll be choosing digit winner arbitrarily from the entrants and occurrence them via telecommunicate after the near of the contest.

Don't block to check back every period through Jan 2nd for newborn contests celebrating the Twelve Days of Winter Veil!

Tags: 12-days-of-winter-veil, ogre-pinata, wow-tcg

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