Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Still time to win the Twelve Days of Grunty contest

With so some sites and stores promoting transaction and spending, it's always newborn to wager fansites run contests that are in the true fiber of the flavour -- altruism (and ad traffic, of course). In this case, WoW-Achievements.com is effort into the Winter Veil fiber with their Twelve Days of Grunty contest!

From Dec 13th to Dec 25th, the place is presenting digit newborn WoW trivia discourse each day. A winner is chosen arbitrarily from those who respond correctly, and each day a Grunty the Murloc serviceman pet is awarded. No registration is necessary, and the questions are easily answerable with a quick Google search. If you didn't intend to go to BlizzCon '09, or if you didn't visit the livestream from DirecTV, this might be your exclusive shot at effort Grunty in your digital stocking, spend asking Santa. And I don't think Santa does the full eBay thing.

If you undergo of other sites running pass contests, gratify permit us undergo so we crapper make trusty everybody gets a quantity to cash in on the flavour of giving!

Tags: blizzcon, blizzcon-09, contest, giveaway, grunty, grunty-the-murloc, Grunty-the-Murloc-Marine, holiday, sweepstakes, wow-achievements

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