Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

Addon Spotlight: RankWatch

Author Gronzig emailed us a note most this newborn addon of his titled RankWatch, which serves a ultimate purpose: it alerts you if anyone is using downranked spells. I'm sure we've all seen the contestant who forgets to train, put on their bars, or update their macros with newborn ranks of essential spells. Heck, I was using surpass digit of Binding Heal substantially into Naxxramas, since I had it extremity directly to a key with Dominos.

If anyone in your band or assail uses a surpass lower than the maximum for their level, RankWatch module verify then most it in a whisper. The exclusive exception is for Life Tap, which warlocks module ofttimes ingest surpass digit of to proc personalty without attractive such of a upbeat hit. Back in the day, healers would commonly downrank heals as a mana-saving manoeuvre (if I request correctly, Heal surpass quaternary was a staple in classic raiding), but this strategy is long-gone (since connector 3.0.2), because downranked spells now outlay the same amount mana as top-rank spells (or more).

Configuration options include turing off the auto-whisper and ignoring destined players, which are both alive for a potentially-annoying teenager same this. Overall RankWatch looks same a useful lowercase tool, if exclusive so I no longer hit to worry most checking up on myself.

Download RankWach at Curse

Tags: add-on, add-on-configuration, add-on-guide, addon-configuration, addon-guide, addons, downranking, featured, guide, raiding, ranks, rankwatch, spell-ranks, spells, wow-add-on, wow-add-on-guide, wow-add-ons, wow-addon-guide, wow-addons, wow-guide

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